Discover Statesville
Welcome to "Discover Statesville," the show that takes you on a captivating journey through the heart of one of North Carolina's most charming towns. Co-hosted by community advocates, Richard Griggs and Cindy Sutton, this weekly show brings you the pulse of Statesville, recording live at various spots throughout Statesville in partnership with Sow Media studios.
Join Richard and Cindy as they uncover the hidden gems and local treasures that make Statesville truly special. From the top-notch attractions and exciting events to the remarkable individuals who shape the community, "Discover Statesville" promises to leave no stone unturned.
Hungry for a culinary adventure? Tune in for their delightful restaurant reviews, where they'll guide you to the best places to eat in town. Whether you're a resident or a visitor, this podcast is your ultimate guide to all the things that make Statesville great.
You're invited to come along on this immersive journey, as "Discover Statesville" brings you closer to the heart of our vibrant town. Be prepared to be entertained, inspired, and enlightened each week, as Richard and Cindy share their passion for all things Statesville!
Discover Statesville
From DJ Booth to Baked Goods: The Sweet Rise of Alibi Cookies
Embark on a delicious odyssey with the mastermind Mike Evans, the former DJ turned cookie connoisseur of Alibi Cookies, as he shares his remarkable transition from spinning tracks to baking up a revolution.
Warm cookie vending machines? Check.
A cookie utopia that's captured the hearts (and taste buds) of aficionados across the country? Absolutely.
From the cookie's humble beginnings to its current status as a sweet empire, we're uncovering the secrets behind Alibi's irresistible range of flavors, the simple genius behind the name, and Mike's dream of a 24/7 cookie haven at every store location. Prepare your palate for a delectable tour of lemon blueberry delights and red velvet wonders.
Today, we're not just talking cookies; we're experiencing the rise of a dessert dynasty. As Alibi Cookies opens its doors on East Broad Street to an eager new crowd of cookie lovers, we're tasting the success and diving into the community's favorite picks. The chocolate chunk may be king, but don't sleep on the unexpected champions of a mixed sampler pack. With an eye on expansion and a heart set on maintaining that homegrown allure, Mike gives us the scoop on what it takes to engage with local communities and keep that Alibi magic alive, from the first bite to the last crumb. So, grab a glass of milk and join us for a tale of cookie conquests and the power of a well-timed sweet treat.
We are so excited because today we are going to be taking a bite out of State'sville, North Carolina's newest sweet treat. And if you're not supposed to have sweet treats, we have an alibi for you.
Speaker 2:Welcome to Discover State'sville, the show that takes you on a captivating journey through the heart of one of North Carolina's most charming towns.
Speaker 3:Welcome back to Discover State'sville. Today we are joined with Mike Evans, founder of Alibi Cookies out of St Louis, missouri.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, welcome, thanks for having me Welcome to the show.
Speaker 3:That's all good, we're just going to. We're going to roll with this. So, mike, tell us, tell us about how you started out. How long ago did you start Alibi Cookies, we're going on our fourth year now.
Speaker 4:We started. We started with a warm cookie vending machine, so even before that. So I quit my job. I had a party bus company, I was a DJ, and the pandemic hit. Of course, no one was booking party buses, no one was booking DJs. Still eating cookies, though, Still eating cookies.
Speaker 3:Still eating, Probably on a higher level.
Speaker 4:Still drinking, yeah still eating cookies and still drinking, and so I was just sitting at home just burning through savings Amazon boxes, ordering delivery, takeout, you know sent the last of the money over to Japan to get a machine built. So actually the machine was first. A warm cookie vending machine was first, and then we opened up our first store.
Speaker 3:So is that something that existed before, or was that something that you were like? You know it'll be really cool a warm cookie vending machine.
Speaker 4:You had to then have it designed and Warm cookie vending machine did not exist in the US. They have something similar over in Japan, but it was the first of its kind over here in the States.
Speaker 3:And so you got that made. Put one somewhere in St Louis.
Speaker 4:Well, it wasn't permanent. I kind of took that thing all around wherever I could plug it in. I got in trouble a little bit plugging that thing into some places.
Speaker 1:but you know warm cookie vending machine in my bedroom.
Speaker 3:And so so you're baking cookies, stocking the machine, traveling around from place to place, and the police are like man, we're chasing this machine and we finally found a home for it inside Tam Avenue Bar in St Louis.
Speaker 4:Missouri is in historic Dogtown, and it just took off completely off. We had lines at the machine through the bar and people were just coming to the bar just to get warm cookies out of the machine. It was a great thing. We made a lot of money very quickly, so that's why we decided to open up the first location.
Speaker 3:Did the bar lean into it and do like some cookie pairings?
Speaker 4:No it happened so quick and so fast that we really didn't have time to like do anything, because when I opened the first store, I moved the machine down to be in front of the location so people can get warm cookies 24 hours a day, seven days a week, when the store was closed.
Speaker 1:So how long is it going to be before we have a machine 24 hours in the States?
Speaker 4:It won't be long, it won't be long. We're going to work out something we're going to get a machine. My goal is for every store to have a warm cookie vending machine outside, so even when we're closed, you guys can still come get warm cookies.
Speaker 3:Now are those things that other locations can contract through alibi, like if you had a space and say, man, we'd love to have one of those warm cookie vending machines in our store.
Speaker 4:So we have machines not just at like locations, we have machines inside of concert venues. We have a machine in Halifax. Pennsylvania is on top of a mountain. They kind of just built a little hut around it. It's interesting.
Speaker 3:So you got to send somebody out there to restock that thing.
Speaker 4:We got actually have partners up in Pennsylvania that takes care of that for me, so we just ship them cookies and then they stock it. Wow, very cool.
Speaker 1:So tell us, mike, before we get too deep into the machines, what is Well you're talking, I'm going to eat some. What is an alibi cookie? What's an alibi cookie?
Speaker 4:Yeah, what is an alibi cookie. It's a warm, delicious, crispy-ass, soft-centered cookie that you can get 24 hours a day, seven days a week in select cities, and this is you got your elevator speech down.
Speaker 1:This is the blueberry lemon.
Speaker 4:That's the lemon blueberry Lemon blueberry deluxe cookie.
Speaker 3:I'm having an apple pie.
Speaker 1:And then, just because this one's so beautiful, this is the regular-sized cookie. This is, I'm assuming, red velvet.
Speaker 4:Red velvet white chocolate chips.
Speaker 1:Okay, I've touched this.
Speaker 3:I'm still going to eat it. You're going to touch them all. I'm going to get to leave with them.
Speaker 1:Well, lick them all. They're all mine, I don't know. But so you guys have been open a little, going on a month now.
Speaker 4:It's been awesome. Everyone's coming out. We have regulars already. It's been Seriously people coming in like every single day. We've been seeing like quite a few people. It's been good.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so tell us why. Alibi Cookie, I know the story, but I want to know the story of where you know, because sometimes people are like so detailed with how they came up with this name or this logo.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But I like your story. Why Alibi Cookie?
Speaker 4:So I was sitting in the bar trying to figure out what I was going to call this thing, and the bar I was sitting in was called Alibi 15. It's in Ellisville, missouri, and after a few more beers I rolled it down. I went home and woke up the next morning and I kept saying Alibi Cookies over and over and it sounded good. So I was like Alibi Cookies, let's do it, let's go with it, Don't overthink it.
Speaker 1:And I like it. You know I was making up all these reasons in my head. You know like you need an Alibi to have this sweet treat, or?
Speaker 3:Very true. I was making up all these reasons in my head Are more simple than that. Yeah, very, and I it's real.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, it's just real.
Speaker 4:I didn't hire some like team to like come up with all this. I designed our logo in Photoshop. It's like very simple and just straight to the point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, look how great it's doing so. You have five corporate stores in all of Missouri.
Speaker 4:Missouri and Illinois.
Speaker 1:Okay. And then when I first met you, I said why? Why Statesville? Because you guys kind of snuck in on us a little bit. But why tell us why Statesville?
Speaker 4:We were supposed to be open like three weeks ago but we had some hiccups with the city as far as a few inspections. But no, we felt like North Carolina needed warm cookie deliciousness for one. But it just kind of worked out. We found the perfect location. We felt like the people of Statesville Didn't have to travel to Charlotte to experience, you know, something like alibi cookies, because that's what a lot of people kept telling us. So we got to go to Charlotte. I'm so glad I lived three blocks away. I can finally just order delivery and get cookies, and so that's what we let. We try to go in places that don't have our Concept already. Right, introduce something new.
Speaker 1:So this is the first First in North Carolina, but I mean you guys have big plans, right plans for for more in the next month.
Speaker 4:We're opening what one? In Charlotte. We found perfect location there. They're doing a lot of like Construction, a lot of apartments they're building and stuff like that, and the plan is to open up 10 more in the Carolina, so I would say between North and South Carolina.
Speaker 1:Wow, that's so exciting. Yeah, and it's not just cookies, that's right, it's ice cream.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I've had this cookie in a milkshake.
Speaker 4:Ice cream, cookie sandwiches, cookie shakes, which is two cookies, ice cream blended. You can get a cookie cream pie. If you ever had an oatmeal cream pie, yeah, it's the same thing, only with warm cookies and you can choose two different. Same cookie ice cream cookie sandwich you can choose two different cookies as well and cookie cakes yeah, I love cookie and we do shapes. You get a circle, you get a heart, you get a shamrock.
Speaker 1:Oh, perfect, that's coming up. We'll have to be getting them. Shamrock shaped cookie.
Speaker 3:And so you guys are located right there on East Broad Street. Yep, yep, in the same. What, what all's in that shopping center? I can't remember. John's and Wendy's okay so right in that, right in that little strip there.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just just right up the street from hungry Howie's pizza.
Speaker 4:We're right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're right next door the hungry Howie's pizza next to Wendy's, oh yeah yeah, so cookie shakes, peanut butter s'mores, sonny's cantina, dogtown pantry, homage to the original cookie machine.
Speaker 4:I see, I pay attention, or those are our signature shakes, so each one of the shakes means something the dogtown related or homage to something that's happened to us.
Speaker 1:Yeah, dark saint mint, that's what is the what's the most popular cookie?
Speaker 3:The most popular cookie when? Is there like a franchise wide winner?
Speaker 1:or is it like Well, this is the first franchise location.
Speaker 3:All the rest of you know corporate store.
Speaker 4:Yeah. So I mean, everyone loves chocolate chunk is always gonna be number one seller. Beyond that's apple pie, lemon blueberries snuck in there. I've deluxe peanut butter cups always been a top top seller and rev out it okay, well, so fun fact cuz was I, was I your first customer?
Speaker 1:I was in there. It was a pretty close. I was in there pretty close to pretty, pretty close on your first day and got a sampler pack and I had texted the team the night before and said, okay, I'm going to get cookies of what kind you want, and they both said chocolate chunk, mm-hmm. So I took the sampler pack and at the end of the day there were some cookies left, the cookies they didn't eat with the chocolate. They're like I want to try these things I've never had yeah, I had yeah, the big.
Speaker 1:They had a little and the big, so I had the chocolate, chocolate chip and chocolate chunk cookies. But of course I've bit into this one, guys. But this is, this is what this was a sampler pack that mic was so gracious to bring us before we, before we dove into it as a yeses over there enjoying a cookie. We, if he's nice, we might let one cookie and it's been.
Speaker 4:I've had my one cookie today rule that one cookie a day.
Speaker 1:Oh, you gotta keep, keep fit.
Speaker 3:So are you guys? You mentioned all the potential growth here in the southeastern. You are you growing in other parts of the country or right now Were you focused on the south?
Speaker 4:Definitely we're just kind of building in the Midwest and kind of just spawning off from that, and then, obviously, statesville is going to be kind of like our number one store over here and we're gonna do the same thing We've just basically been doing in St Louis.
Speaker 1:Okay, the states was gonna be the office right, the headquarters.
Speaker 4:It is for the east coast, yeah.
Speaker 1:We'll be. We'll be home alibi cookies, home in the southeast.
Speaker 4:I'll be over here. Yeah, that'll I.
Speaker 1:We're looking forward to it. We're looking forward to seeing you and in and hearing how you expand. So tell us. I Always like to hear, like, how, how has the reception or the welcome been? I always feel like Statesville really shows up to support and then we got to find ways to keep that love going. But yeah, how is the initial reception been?
Speaker 4:It's been awesome. I can say we have regulars down which is just like we're people that literally been in each and every day Not the I'm being a day yet, but yeah well as a family.
Speaker 1:We've been in every day for either Brandon or I, so I think I told you the story. We literally Brandon loves a Blizzard and we would drive across town today the. Queen and and any more. Yeah, we just, we got we you are on my way home, so that's good, good for me. You're bad for me but good for you. For for sure, yeah, but the states will that.
Speaker 4:None below like it's been great. They've been showing up in groups that bring our kids and all Types and demographic is a people have been showing up and everyone's been saying great things about us online. We've had a few states feel tick tocks made already. Oh, it's been pretty awesome. So, yeah, it's just that every day people just continue to come. So it's been good, that's good, that's good to hear.
Speaker 1:Yeah, thank you for the content, because I posted a picture of you and I point and that's your logo, with some cookies and Our, our engagement on our page. It's been through the roof. I don't know, if it was because the picture of you or the cookies?
Speaker 4:I mean, I'm a little.
Speaker 3:The posted went out the day before y'all opened got a ton of traffic. Yeah, I mean a lot.
Speaker 1:Oh, that was just a copy of their, their video, that you guys had posted a video.
Speaker 4:Oh yeah, the countdown video.
Speaker 1:Yeah it was actually the weekend and I was laying around watching lifetime movies and I'm see this video regular Sunday floating cookies and I'm like what is this? And then then I'm like alibi cookie opening on 1811 sorry or what's the address 1811, 1811 East Broad Street. So you know, I told you I've been there a lot. And then I'm like oh, whatever, this is a joke, we're being punked, we're not getting a new cookie milkshake store. Of course you are sorry. Message you guys.
Speaker 3:You're like, yeah, yeah, I'm in more. Well, I think it's indicative of what you're saying earlier. I mean, you know people really seek out these. You know specials you donut places, specialty cupcake places, all that kind of stuff and then we really didn't. You, you know we've got bakeries and stuff, but especially to cookie places.
Speaker 4:Yeah, some different. Yeah, everybody. Everybody knows Dunkin Donuts and you know all the rest of them. Like you know dessert places, you go to dessert and coffee. But we like to be a little different. We do things different from other cookie places and so this says new cookies every month. Yeah, so we do a cookie of the month. Every single month was a different cookie.
Speaker 1:So this cookie is going away.
Speaker 4:It actually. So the story behind the lemon blueberry cookie it was a cookie of the month, it was July cookie of the month, um, like a year and a half ago at this point, and so we did it. We was done with it and people will like write it because they wanted more of it. So we did another round of the lemon blueberry cookie and we're like, all right, that's it, we're not doing anymore. And then people write it again. So I'm like, all right, we'll keep it on the menu for a while.
Speaker 1:It's been on the menu, so you got me my grad. I can sneak in the back door. It's been on the menu for a while. I'll go out Snickers.
Speaker 4:I Snickers was a cookie of the month and people kind of again apple pie always on the menu Always. That used to be a cookie of the month and then it sold so well. I mean, just like blew everything out of the water. I was like yep on the menu, this would be good with ice cream. It's warm.
Speaker 1:They have it Warm cookie with ice cream.
Speaker 4:It's really an apple pie. We baked an apple pie and made cookies out of it.
Speaker 3:So who's the who's the mastermind behind the cookie recipes? You are, yeah, Okay, how'd you get into that?
Speaker 4:Um, my mom's master chef, um, she, you know, she was a chef her entire life. Um, I used to watch her, um, and my grandma, cooking the church and in the kitchen behind our church that we had at the time. My grandfather was a pastor, and so it's just. I've always been like, I guess, in the culinary arts and then my whole entire professional career has just been working for restaurants. Talking to restaurants, some of the recipes are, you know, a sniggered to a cookie. Sniggered to a cookie, I mean, it's a cinnamon sugar cookies, not much to that. Some are special, some are just like I just took him a better.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. Well, not to go all the way back to the beginning again, rehash that, but um, I think I heard maybe you're you're ahead of marketing your corporate head of marketing said that that you started shipping cookies from your basement, right? I mean, like in the beginning in the beginning, before we had the machine.
Speaker 4:So there was a church that had closed due to due to the pandemic, and they had listed their kitchen for rent, um, just to kind of generate some kind of money, um, and so I rented the kitchen and I was just literally shipping cookies to anybody that would go to our website and buy it. We didn't have a machine down the storefront, nothing. So I will literally wait for the or is to come in and some days we'll have like 15, 20 or is and some words we have one, two, some we didn't have zero. I was like I need to do something, like he thinks so, um, but yeah, we would definitely just shipping cookies all over the country, um, to whoever will buy them in the beginning. That's kind of how we that's amazing.
Speaker 4:Then the machine came, and then the store came after that.
Speaker 1:Right, and then the rest is going to be.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:So like if this was something that you were.
Speaker 4:You know, somebody here was like gosh, I'd love to send a box of cookies to my grandmother who lives in all 50 states and uh, canada and Mexico, wow, so pretty much North America. We ship Very cool.
Speaker 1:I think you should put this uh warm mobile delicious machine and and Brittany, you need this machine and downtown state so you can. You can get warm, delicious cookies on both sides of town, but, um, you're on door dash.
Speaker 4:We are on door dash, we do deliver and I guess ship nationwide.
Speaker 1:Yeah and um for the, for local schools. Local schools loves doing, doing fundraising. I say you've got fundraising opportunities like talk. I mean cookie is a milk fundraiser who doesn't want to participate in that? Tell us about that a little bit.
Speaker 4:So our fundraises are. They have been just awesome. I'm most popular ones. The 12 pack, uh, fundraiser, Um, if anyone's familiar with, like TJ's pizza concept is syndicated tone with a form they go sell, you know, pizzas or cookies or whatever the case may be. Um, they turn them into us. We, you know, give the organization the kickback, obviously, Um, and we kind of go from there. It's always been the most popular one. Or you can do like a night where you come in and get 10% of sales, you know for a particular night. Sure, Um, just different, a lot of different options.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Well, we're going to do this.
Speaker 1:alibi challenge that's the sketch you written all over at Richard.
Speaker 3:I'm not even sure if I can do that. There's a whole plan of milk in one.
Speaker 4:There have been less than five people from that mistake in Katie right. Less than five people have actually beat it, the alibi challenge. Less than five, I think it may be like four, one guy done it twice. I think it may be three total people. One guy did it twice. So it's only been beaten three times since we started and so this is three cream pie oatmeal cream pie, three oatmeal cream pie, cookies and this size, the deluxe. No, they just regular oatmeal.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and a pint of milk.
Speaker 4:I could do that in one minute.
Speaker 1:Everyone thinks they can.
Speaker 4:We've had fire fighters, policemen tapped out just declare that she can.
Speaker 3:she could beat the Alibi Challenge. I wish I would have brought one Cream pie war.
Speaker 4:We've had policemen, firefighters tapped out. We had a whole team of firefighters come in and try to do it one time and they all tapped out.
Speaker 1:Police department via fire department. April, april Nesbitt, public information officer. For what? We gotta make this happen. We're doing it.
Speaker 4:And we're recording and if you lose you put your picture on the wall with the losers. We do it and you see like literally three pictures on the window side. What two actually? The guy did it twice and then just like a bunch of losers.
Speaker 1:Already here in Statesville.
Speaker 3:No, we're doing that at other locations, so of all your locations in the country, this has only happened three times.
Speaker 4:Three times, and one guy did it twice. Wow, that's it.
Speaker 1:Was it a big time? No, no, no, not at all.
Speaker 4:Not at all.
Speaker 1:I mean, you have to really like it's fun to watch. And sweets, I think.
Speaker 4:It is fun to watch because everyone thinks like, oh, three old milk cream pies, and they're not huge, it's just, it's a lot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's a lot. This is like people used to try to do that gallon milk challenge. Oh man.
Speaker 4:Those YouTube videos live rent free in my head Rent free.
Speaker 1:Mike, did I understand correctly that you guys are gonna be open here in Statesville seven days a week, from 10 am to 10 pm?
Speaker 4:Correct, and we're even considering extending our hours into the pm a little bit more. More people are starting to come in a little later, so we're thinking about staying open until at least midnight, but that's. We're still working on that. But if people keep coming in, then, yeah, we'll stay open later, no problem.
Speaker 1:So if you heard of me, so keep showing up.
Speaker 4:Keep showing up For some alibi, cookies, or you put that warm cookie machine out there, there you go and we do deliver too, all the way up to the point we're closed, so you can definitely still get delivery, wow.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I could see that delivery in our future. So, mike, tell us, is there anything we haven't? You have coffee?
Speaker 4:We do. We have a coffee program we just launched and we're trying some different flavors, but we've always had coffee. It's always been kind of a part of our menu. Like our coffee's in cream is Coffee's in cream. It's wait till I explain it. It gets better. So we do a scoop of ice cream and coffee. Now the coffee would take on the flavor of whatever of the eight flavors we have available of ice cream that you choose. Who would tell us what the eight flavors are? So we have, okay, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, strawberry, cheesecake, birthday cake, mint, chocolate chip, cookie dough.
Speaker 3:That's a eight. It's always that eighth one, being a butter no Just say it Ella Cookies and cream.
Speaker 4:There we go.
Speaker 1:Cookies and cream, cookies and cream All right, well, since I was trying to eat the lives of you.
Speaker 4:I wasn't even looking at it. I'm trying to remember what the flavor is, but yeah, the coffee takes on whatever flavor ice cream is. It's so good, it really is.
Speaker 1:Birthday cake coffee, yes please.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm. Or you can do like a cookie, a cookie, a cookie cocoa, which is we take Hot chocolate, hot chocolate and we blend whatever cookie you want with it, top it with a little whipped cream and the cocoa takes on whatever flavor of the cookie.
Speaker 1:I say so you heading that way right now.
Speaker 4:Y'all here breathing, over there Heavy breathing.
Speaker 1:Well, what is there anything that we haven't talked about? What do you want everyone to know about Albuacookie in states of North Carolina?
Speaker 4:Even though we're, I guess, becoming a national brand, we still have those local roots. We like to still consider ourself local, because that's who we are. I mean, we're going to do a bunch of fundraising, we're going to give so much back to the community, we're going to be involved in the community. Just come, support us. Support us like you would Starbucks, but just come to Albuac. No.
Speaker 1:Not Starbucks, because that's more franchise. Come support local.
Speaker 4:Come support local we're local.
Speaker 3:Treat like a local place.
Speaker 1:I think that and every time I've been in, literally I have to go find you in the kitchen. You're back. You're back. They're making cookies, You're doing it.
Speaker 4:I am that type of owner. I'm not the type of owner that's going to sit in the office and just count money and just say, oh, you guys go do this. No, I'm baking cookies.
Speaker 1:Count money and eat cookies. I don't have time to count money.
Speaker 4:I'm baking cookies and you know, I'm back there mopping floor, sweeping, taking out trash. I'm always going to be that type of owner. I like to be involved in my business as much as possible.
Speaker 3:Well, I think the fact that you've already made states what's going to be your base of East Coast operations, I think does pretty much make it local. I mean, that's a big deal, yeah right.
Speaker 1:Well, you see, let us know how we can support you. We all pay a local tax.
Speaker 3:As a city of states with an employee, we appreciate it.
Speaker 1:Seriously thank you for taking a chance on States with North Carolina and bringing your roots here.
Speaker 4:And.
Speaker 1:I'm excited about your story and I want to be following along to watch your success. It's a pleasure to meet you, mike, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Speaker 4:Glad you guys came in. It's been awesome. Statesville's been awesome, not going to lie, it's been fun. We've had fun since we've been here.
Speaker 1:Yeah well, we always say you might be our first non-native statesful guest we've had, but we always say statesful is the fabric. The amazing people who make up statesful is what makes statesful successful. It makes my heart happy to know that you've experienced that, bringing your business here to states.
Speaker 4:I'm two, I'm a second, third, fourth.
Speaker 3:We used to live in the same town. Yeah, he lived in.
Speaker 1:Chesterfield, I'm not done working on you yet.
Speaker 2:You're coming to statesville.
Speaker 1:Alibi Cookie everyone Monday. Well, seven days a week, seven days a week, 10 am to 10 pm. For now, maybe later. 1811 East Broad Street and AlibiCookiesWithanScom. You can order online.
Speaker 4:Check them out.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and brownie.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and everything else.
Speaker 1:Thanks everyone, until next time. Thanks Mike.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 2:Thank you for joining DiscoverStatesFull. You can email us at discover at statesfulnccom. Check us out on Facebook at DiscoverStatesFullNC hashtag DiscoverStatesFull and our website statesfulnccom. Catch us next week as we continue on our journey to uncover the hidden gems, culinary adventures, entertainment, and to be inspired and enlightened as we DiscoverStatesFull.